Holiday Turkey with Herb Stuffing
  1. In a medium frying pan, sauté onion in butter or margarine until soft. Stir in celery, chicken broth, poultry seasoning, salt, pepper and water. Bring to a boil and pour over bread and parsley in a large bowl. Toss mixture lightly until evenly coated.
  2. Place turkey in roasting pan breast side up. Brush with oil or melted margarine on skin and inside cavity. Season skin with garlic, onions, basil or parsley. Spoon prepared stuffing into body cavity. Let stuffing sit loosely inside, packing will not allow for even cooking.
  3. Cover bird with a loose tent of aluminum foil. Cooking time will vary depending on the weight of the turkey. The general rule is 15-20 minutes per pound at 325º, or 33/4 to 4 hours for a 12-16 lb bird.